Albuquerque and New Mexico have all the Jewish organizations & institutions you'd expect, plus a few you'll only find here.
National Organizations
Anti-Defamation League - Mountain States Region
Denver, Colorado (505) 823-2712 (303) 830-7177 mountainstates.adl.org
The Mountain States Region includes Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. The Mountain States ADL staff is poised to deliver many different types of educational programs to New Mexico schools, law enforcement and religious institutions. In addition, ADL will continue to provide effective responses to incidents of anti-Semitism and hate that may arise anywhere in the region.
Hadassah of Greater Albuquerque
Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, is a volunteer women's organization whose members are motivated and inspired to strengthen their partnership with Israel, ensure Jewish continuity, and realize their potential as a dynamic force in American society. Founded in 1912, Hadassah retains the passion and timeless values of its founder, Henrietta Szold, Jewish scholar and activist, who was dedicated to Judaism, Zionism, and the American ideal.
Hillel @ University of New Mexico
Aaron David Bram Hillel House 1701 Sigma Chi Rd NE Albuquerque, NM 87106
(505) 242-1127 www.unmhillel.org
Hillel at UNM offers a variety of activities for Jewish students, faculty, and staff, including: Shabbat evening services and home-cooked kosher Shabbat meals with vegetarian and gluten-free options; holiday observances; social functions; retreats; Hebrew, Bible, and special topics courses; lectures and cultural events; community service opportunities; travel; and public service opportunities. Dr Sara Koplik, Director.
Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque
5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 332-0565 www.jccabq.org
The Ronald Gardenswartz Jewish Community Center of Greater Albuquerque (the "J") is at the heart of Jewish Abq. Some Abq Jewish organizations have their offices inside the JCC; others are located outside the JCC.
In December 2022, the 75-year history
of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico
came to an end.
Jewish Federation of New Mexico
5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109
(505) 821-3214 www.jewishnewmexico.org
The Jewish Federation of New Mexico partners with community organizations to meet the needs of Jews in New Mexico, Southern Colorado, Israel and worldwide through leadership, philanthropy, social action, and education.
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
13170-B Central Avenue SE Suite 255 Albuquerque, NM 87123
(800) 736-5109 www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantees of religious freedom to which they and all Americans are entitled by virtue of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
MRFF is not a strictly Jewish organization. Rather, MRFF adheres strongly to the principle that religious faith is a deeply personal matter, and that no American has the right to question another American’s beliefs as long as they do not unwontedly intrude on the public space or the privacy or safety of another individual.
Local Organizations
Chevre Kaddisha of Greater Albuquerque
Contact: Libby Golden Hopkins, RN (505) 401-3712 chevrekaddishaabq@gmail.com
Members of the Chevre Kaddisha perform the mitzvah of traditional, ritual preparation for burial, known as tahara (purification), free of charge for any member of the Jewish community. Chevre members prepare, wash, and dress deceased Jewish people in burial garments in preparation for burial, acccording to traditional Jewish practices.
Jewish Care Program of Albuquerque
5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 348-4451
The Jewish Care Program of Albuquerque is dedicated to the well-being of our most vulnerable community members, moving them from isolation to connection.
The Jewish Care Program provides support in these areas – Emergency Assistance; Resource and Referral; Support Groups; Outreach to Jewish Seniors; Holocaust Survivor Care; and Chaplaincy.
Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico
The Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico's mission is to provide Chevra Kadisha support and services to the diverse Jewish population of Northern New Mexico and to maintain and enhance the Jewish cemetery in Santa Fe.
Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico
5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 348-4472 www.jcfnm.org
The Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico's mission is to build and perpetuate support for a vibrant, caring Jewish community through partnerships with donors and organizations.
Jewish Community Relations Coalition of New Mexico
The newly-formed Jewish Community Relations Coalition of New Mexico builds relationships to advance the values, interests, and security of the Jewish community
and to create a more interconnected New Mexico for all.
New Mexico Holocaust Museum
and Gellert Center for Education
616 Central Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 247-0606 nmholocaustmuseum.org
Founded in 1998 and opened in 2001, the New Mexico Holocaust Museum is dedicated to eliminating hate and intolerance through education.
The Museum's exhibits illustrate – through artifacts, memorabilia, pictures, documents, videos, and books – historical conflicts caused by local, national, and global prejudice, culminating in the most unspeakable of all horrors, the Holocaust.
The Museum has long been involved in the community, and has organized and sponsored a wide variety of events including lectures, panel discussions, film screenings, plays, visual art exhibits, and dance performances.
In addition to the hundreds of students who visit the museum each year, it also receives substantial walk-ins from New Mexican, out-of-state, and international visitors.
We are dedicated to providing knowledge on genocides and intolerance throughout history continuing to present day. The facility includes a research library that is available for public use.
New Mexico Jewish Historical Society
5520 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque, NM 87109 (505) 348-4471 www.nmjhs.org
The New Mexico Jewish Historical Society was formed in 1985 to tell the stories of the many Jewish groups that came and stayed and helped make New Mexico a remarkable place. The Society sponsors ongoing research, presents lectures, holds conferences, shows films, gives genealogy workshops, maintains archives, sells booklets about the history of pioneer Jewish families, and publishes a quarterly newsletter, Legacy.
New Mexico Jewish Journal
A new, independent newspaper founded in March 2024 to keep the New Mexico Jewish community connected with news, arts, culture and spirituality. Connecting, informing, enriching, and celebrating our region's vibrant and diverse Jewish communities.
Shabbat with Friends New Mexico
Founded in January 2022, Shabbat with Friends New Mexico aims in its programming to recapture together the joy of Shabbat (Oneg Shabbat). We cultivate the love of Shabbat through our gatherings, our learning opportunities, and our welcoming practices.
We give special attention to Shabbat as practiced in the home through hospitality, shared meals, group singing and musical traditions, folk dancing, enlivened conversation, and participatory Torah study. All these are elements of "Shabbat Menuchah" - the practice of Sabbath rest.
Our name, Shabbat with Friends, conveys our commitment to Shabbat hospitality, to Shabbat fellowship, to participatory Judaism, and to living sustainably on this earth.
We bring people together to experience and to embrace the profound and ancient Jewish ethical, social, and spiritual teachings surrounding the Seventh Day.
If you are interested in attending one of our Shabbat with Friends gatherings, or if you are interested in hosting a gathering, please email our Convener, Rabbi Dov Gartenberg, at dov@shabbatwithfriends.org.
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